Blood is an essential medium for the transport of materials around the body. It carries a variety of substances, including gases, metabolites, nutrients and hormones, acting as an exchange system for tissues within the body. One of its most recognised functions is the exchange of O2 and CO2 from the lungs to the rest of the body. But it also transports hormones from the glands to their target receptors. Waste products to the liver and kidneys. And nutrients from the digestive tract to the tissues. As well as transportation blood serves as a protector and regulator with roles in inflammation and balancing pH and water levels.
Blood has 2 main components, Plasma and formed elements, these include Erythrocytes, Leukocytes and Platelets.
Plasma is identified as the clear extracellular fluid that holds the cellular components. It is a mixture of proteins, enzymes, nutrients, hormones and gases. The most abundant component are proteins such as albumin, globulin and fibrinogen, each having its own specific function. In general the key roles for plasma proteins are:
Albumin, is the smallest in size but most abundant, accounting for 55% of the total plasma protein concentration. It is synthesised in the liver as a single polypeptide chain (610 aa) with a molecular weight of 69 kDa. The size of the protein and it being highly charged (both positive and negative) aids in its role as a transport protein, carrying various biomolecules such as fatty acids, trace elements and drugs. It also has a key role in maintaining the osmotic pressure, with reductions in its concentration linked to the loss of fluid from the blood and the gain of fluid in the interstitial space.
Globulins, can be divided into 3 classes, alpha, beta and gamma, with the alpha class containing 2 subtypes, (alpha 1 and alpha 2). They are divided into these classes based on their molecular weight from smallest to largest. Alpha globulins include HDL and LDL which are involved the in the regulation and transport of cholesterol within the body. HDL considered the good cholesterol removes excess found in the circulation, preventing build up in the arterial walls. LDL considered the bad cholesterol favours the deposition instigating cardiovascular disease. A2 globulins also contain alpha 2 glycoproteins, plasminogen, prothrombin and hepatoglobulin. Beta globulins include beta lipoproteins which are very lipid rich an transferrin, an iron transport protein. Gamma globulins are immunoglobulins classified as either IgG, IgA and IgM, which have antibody activity.
Fibrinogen, is a fibrous protein with a molecular weight of 34kDa. It is converted to a sticky protein called fibrin by the enzyme thrombin, where it plays an essential role in blood coagulation.
In addition to the main plasma proteins enzymes such as acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase are found in the plasma which are a useful diagnostic marker for a number of cancers and bone turnover. Alongside the plasma proteins amino acids, nitrogenous waste, nutrients, gases and electrolytes may be found in circulation.
Cells within the blood,
Erythrocytes, red blood cells can be identified by their round biconcave shape. The outer surface displays glycoproteins and glycolipids which determine a persons blood type. 2 proteins in particular, spectrin and actin provide the cell with flexibility and strength, enabling it to bend and squeeze through small blood vessels and bouncing back to its original shape in larger vessels. The main role of RBCs include
1. Transporting oxygen from the lungs to other tissues in the body.
2. Transporting carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs for excretion.
RBCs are well adulated to this role as during maturation they lose much of their inner cellular components, including the mitochondria and nucleus. This increases the cells surface area ratio for quicker transportation. In addition without these organelles aerobic respiration is not necessary, meaning O2 and CO2 is not used up by the cell itself when carrying out its role. The downside to no nucleus however is that the mature cell is unable to repair itself with the typical lifespan around 120 days. The production of new blood cells instead takes place in the bone marrow in response to the hormone EPO, released by the kidney. They develop from pluripotent stem cells and once an immature RBC has produced the maximum amount of haemoglobin protein this initiates the breakdown of the nucleus and mitochondria where it may then progress to a mature RBC. This process is very rapid with around 7 trillion new cells thought to form each month.
Leukocytes, white blood cells are divided into 2 types granulocytes (including neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils) and agranulocytes (including lymphocytes and monocytes) .
Granulocytes are recognised under the microscope by the appearance of their organelles which look like granules.
Platelets, are tiny cell fragments found within the blood. They are produced in the bone marrow as a by product of larger cells, this gives them an uneven rough shape. Their main role is within blood coagulation where they help produce blood clots to seal a wound and prevent blood loss. When a wound is opened signals are sent and released from platelets, activating them to change shape and become more sticky. Alongside this fibrinogen (which becomes fibrin) develops a fibrous web over the wound which the platelets become caught in. Producing a blood clot over the area.
As we age the composition of the blood is understood to alter. These changes may help to explain the increase in clot formations and atherosclerosis as we get older. Some of these changes include increased fibrinogen, increased rigidity in the red blood cells structure, increased formation of fibrin degradation products, earlier activation of the coagulation system and a rise in blood/ plasma viscosity. Blood pH may also decrease with more H+ ions. This can cause RBC's to swell and become more turgid, coupled with a general decrease in total body water as we get older this can affect blood flow significantly.