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Cell-Free DNA Kit
Description: Abbexa's Cell-Free DNA Kit is an ideal solution for lysing samples by enzyme hydrolysis and purifyin..
US$754.00 (50 rxns)
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Description: Abbexa's Cell-Free DNA Kit is an ideal solution for lysing samples by enzyme hydrolysis and purifyin..
US$797.50 (50 rxns)
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Mouse Anti-DNA Antibody (DNA) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.781 ng/ml - 50 ng/ml
Sensitivity: 0.469 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Rat DNA Methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: 0.1 ng/ml
US$681.50 (96 tests)
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Rat DNA Methyltransferase 3B (DNMT3B) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: 0.1 ng/ml
US$681.50 (96 tests)
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Human DNA Methyltransferase 2 (TRDMT1) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 78 pg/ml - 5000 pg/ml
Sensitivity: 46.9 pg/ml
US$681.50 (96 tests)
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Human DNA Methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: 0.1 ng/ml
US$681.50 (96 tests)
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Human DNA Methyltransferase 3B (DNMT3B) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: 0.1 ng/ml
US$681.50 (96 tests)
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Human DNA Binding Protein (DBP) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.16 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.1 ng/ml
US$652.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.312 ng/ml - 20 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Mouse DNA Polymerase Theta (POLQ) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.312 ng/ml - 20 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.12 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Human DNA Polymerase Theta (POLQ) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.312 ng/ml - 20 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.15 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Human DNA Methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: 0.1 ng/ml
US$609.00 (96 tests)
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Rat DNA Methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: 0.1 ng/ml
US$609.00 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Rat DNA Methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.06 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Human DNA Methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.06 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Mouse DNA Methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.06 ng/ml
US$717.75 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Human DNA Ligase 1 (LIG1) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.625 ng/ml - 40 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Rat DNA Ligase 1 (LIG1) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 78 pg/ml - 5000 pg/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Mouse DNA ligase 4 (LIG4) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 78 pg/ml - 5000 pg/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Description: DNA Polymerase beta Cell ELISA Kit is a cell-based ELISA Kit. Cells to be assayed should be seeded o..
US$572.75 (96 tests)
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Range: 78 pg/ml - 5000 pg/ml
Sensitivity: 46.9 pg/ml
US$609.00 (96 tests)
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Human DNA Methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.07 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Human DNA Methyltransferase 3B (DNMT3B) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.312 ng/ml - 20 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.12 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Mouse DNA Methyltransferase 3B (DNMT3B) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.05 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Human Uracil DNA Glycosylase (UNG) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.06 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Human Thymine DNA Glycosylase (TDG) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.312 ng/ml - 20 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.13 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.07 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Mouse Topoisomerase (DNA) II Beta (TOP2B) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.312 ng/ml - 20 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.312 ng/ml - 20 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
Sensitivity: < 0.08 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 78 pg/ml - 5000 pg/ml
Sensitivity: < 28 pg/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Range: 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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Mouse DNA Ligase 1 (LIG1) ELISA Kit
Quantitative Sandwich
Range: 0.625 ng/ml - 40 ng/ml
US$797.50 (96 tests)
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